Teeth Cleaning:

Professional cleaning removes hardened deposits that build up on and around your teeth over time. These deposits contain bacteria that break down the structures supporting your teeth with time. This causes bleeding on brushing which can progress to shaky teeth if nothing is done for a long time. 

Many people are proud to say they have never been to the dentist but once these deposits harden, your toothbrush no longer works in these areas. Please visit us for a check-up and clean, regular care prevents future regrets.

Dental Fillings:

Tooth decay is an infection in the tooth caused by bacteria. Acids released from these bacteria break down the structure of the tooth and leave holes in them. A filling is a material used to fix these holes, chips from trauma, or wear of your teeth. 

This filling material could be white, silver, or gold in colour. These days, the most popular type used is white fillings because they are more natural-looking and blend well with your tooth. 

Once it is determined that a filling is needed, you will be advised on the options available and which one is suitable for you.

Root Canal Therapy:

Tooth decay can progress to the soft inner part of the tooth where the nerves reside. When the infection spreads this far within your tooth, a regular filling is not enough to halt the spread of the infection or provide relief from discomfort. A root canal treatment or endodontic therapy becomes necessary in such cases; it is the treatment of choice to save a tooth that would otherwise require extraction. 

This treatment usually requires one or more visits. If more than one appointment is needed, they are scheduled a week from each other, the first is focused on cleaning, the remaining shaping, and filling the tooth’s root canal system. The spacing of visits allows for easier management of any flare-ups that may develop and also gives the dentist the chance to monitor the progress of the tooth’s healing process.

It is necessary to take a number of radiographs (x-rays) during the root canal treatment to determine the position of instruments and filling materials within the canal. These are small x-rays that have a very minimal radiation dose.

Once the tooth is deemed to be healing properly and the root canal a success, a permanent restoration, usually a crown is placed to prevent any future tooth fracture.


A crown, also known as a cap, is a covering that is placed over a damaged, treated, or worn down tooth to provide strength and restore it to its original shape and form. The tooth requiring this will need to be shaved down on all surfaces to allow the crown to fit

A crown takes at least two visits. On the first visit, the tooth size is reduced and a copy of the preparation is taken for the crown to be made. At your second appointment, your crown will be bonded after you have seen it and are satisfied with it.

Dental Bridge:

A bridge is a permanent option to replace one or more missing teeth. It is made of linked crowns/caps that get their support from the teeth adjacent to the space where your teeth once were. They are cemented in place and thus become a permanent solution, unlike dentures which are a removable option for replacing missing teeth.

Why do I have to replace missing teeth?

  • All the teeth in your mouth act to support and keep each other in check. Once you lose a tooth or two, the adjacent teeth close to space left can tilt into the space and the ones on the top of the space can shift downwards. 
  • When you have lost a few teeth, chewing can become uncomfortable and you begin to limit yourself on which side you can chew on. Being restricted to only one side can lead to wear of the teeth you are constantly using, and neglect of the ones you hardly use
  • Your appearance and the way pronounce certain words can change when you have lost teeth

Dental bridges can last for as long as 10 to 15 years with good oral care practices and regular dental checkups.


Dentures are removable custom-made appliances that replace missing teeth. Many people have lost teeth due to tooth decay, gum disease or accidents. Losing teeth can affect confidence, speech, the ability to chew, and the pronunciation of certain words. Dentures today are the most affordable way to replace missing teeth to restore function and confidence. They can either be full replacing all teeth or partial replacing a few teeth.

Dentures, depending on the number of teeth being replaced and the urgency can take some weeks to make, can be immediate where they are made to replace a tooth that will be removed that same day or sit over the remaining root of a tooth to maintain bone height. We are always eager to explain all the available replacement options to you and will guide you to make the best decision.