Teeth Whitening:

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular treatments in cosmetic dentistry. It is the process of lightening the original shade of your teeth with bleaching agents and offers a quick, affordable way to brighten your smile without destroying tooth tissue.

Most of the stains that discolour our teeth result from coloured foods or drinks, medication, smoking, or simply as a result of aging. However a few times, the stains could be a result of disturbances that took place during the formation of the tooth or as a result of trauma causing discoloration of the specific tooth involved. For such cases, simply whitening may not be enough and different treatment options could become necessary. 

A few examples of tooth-staining foods and drinks are tea, coffee, sobolo, red wine, beetroot, and palm oil to name a few. 

Home whitening kits and unregistered bleaching agents could cause damage rather than help your smile, professional-grade materials are the safest option available.

What does the process involve?

There are 2 main types of whitening processes

  1. In Office
    After an initial assessment to see if you will benefit from tooth whitening, a rubber gel is applied on your gums and hardened to protect them. Next, the whitening gel is applied and a special light is used to speed up the process. The procedure takes about an hour, broken down into 15-minute sessions with new gel applied before the start of each session. 
  2. Take-Home whitening 
    At-home whitening is just as effective as in-office whitening at a more affordable cost. While In house whitening produces instant results, take-home whitening gels could take a few weeks to see results. This is because of the lower concentration of bleaching agents allowed for use outside the dentist’s office.


A veneer is a thin layer of material bonded to your natural tooth to improve its appearance. Imagine it as similar to the way an acrylic fingernail is bonded onto a natural nail. 

Individuals with chipped or shorter teeth or those with discoloration that cannot be corrected with whitening can benefit greatly from veneers. Veneers can also be used to close small gaps when braces are not ideal and correct simple poorly positioned teeth by bringing them in line with the others.

Veneers can either be made from porcelain or composite resin.

Porcelain veneers are thin and most often require the surface of the tooth to be shaved down to provide space for their placement. With advances in porcelain technology, it is possible to provide a natural-looking, durable veneer that is still very thin.

Composite veneers are an affordable alternative to porcelain veneers. Due to advancements in material science, composite resins these days can closely match the natural shade of your teeth. It is perfect for chipped teeth because it does not require the entire surface of your tooth to be shaved down, so a very conservative option.

A veneer placement takes at least two visits. Firstly,  your tooth is prepared and the colour of the veneer determined. A copy of your mouth is then taken for your veneer to be made. You will be called in when it is ready for a second appointment where your veneer will be bonded after you have seen it and are satisfied with it.

Teeth Straightening:

Teeth straightening is the process of using devices called braces to move or reposition teeth. Metal braces are made up of brackets that are fixed onto the surface of your teeth. A wire is passed through this bracket and adjusted regularly to position your teeth in the desired location.

Invisible braces, also known as clear aligners, are transparent trays that sit over your teeth and help to straighten them. Being clear, they are barely visible and more appealing than traditional metal braces and unlike metal braces, they are removable. 

Aligners are usually not ideal for complex cases, metal braces work better in such situations. 

Smile Makeovers:

Smiling brightens up your face, makes you more approachable, and boosts your confidence. People with chipped, discoloured, or crooked teeth are conscious of their smiles and tend to hold their hands over their mouths or keep their lips together while smiling to hide their teeth. If you are someone like this or know someone who does this, a smile makeover could be life-changing for you.

A smile makeover combines one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures to fix issues that will in turn improve the appearance and health of your smile. The procedures could include tooth whitening, veneers, composite bonding, tooth straightening, and implants. 

Depending on what needs to be done, it is advisable to visit early for an assessment and treatment as this could take some time to complete especially if considering the change for an upcoming event such as a wedding.