Kids Dentistry:

We welcome children as young as a year old to our practice to get them comfortable with sitting in our chair and having someone look into their mouth. We also educate parents, toddlers, and older children on the benefits of proper oral hygiene habits like brushing twice daily, flossing, and the importance of regular visits in a warm, friendly and welcoming environment.  Starting these habits early greatly helps reduce the fear associated with visiting the dentist.

Cavities tend to develop faster in the dots and lines (pits and grooves) on your teeth because it is hard to get your toothbrush in these areas, it is especially hard for children as they learn how to brush. This is why we recommend fissure sealants and fluoride application in addition to correct oral hygiene practices.

Fissure sealing is the application of a plastic coating on the grooves and pits to change the surface of the tooth to a more smooth one that prevents food from getting trapped and allows easy brushing. It does not require drilling and is well tolerated by children as it only takes a couple of minutes. Fluoride application, on the other hand, is the application of a high concentration of fluoride over the teeth. Both these treatments have been proven to reduce the development of cavities in your child’s teeth